China is gradually shedding its reputation as theworld’s technology copycat. Some Chinesecompanies are also leading the way in new servicesand business models.
The move toward pioneering also reflects agenerational change, says Derrick Xiong, chiefmarketing officer of drone maker Ehang.
The new generation of entrepreneurs, “the post-90s, were born to be global,” he says; “theyhave never experienced hard times in China so they have a completely different mindset” moreakin to that of their peers in the US or Europe than their parents.
China has embraced bike-sharing, pioneering a dockless model that offers cyclists advantagesover comparable services in London and New York: bikes are unlocked using mobile apps, andcan be picked up and left anywhere. Many are even GPS-tracked. Mobike (orange) and Ofo(yellow) have led the pack. One financier, only half joking, opines that the only barrier to entrywill be when they run out of colours.
A subsequent crackdown by regulators, irked at the piles of dumped bikes littering cities,portends potholes on the road. But that hasn’t deterred the like of LimeBike from rolling out asimilar service in the US states of California, North Carolina and Florida following the dockless,QR code-based Chinese model.
For much of China, the QR code, a type of barcode, is the key that unlocks the digital world. Aswipe of the matrix with a mobile device lets a user hire a bike, pay for goods and grab a newcontact’s details: why swap business cards when you can just hover your phone over that ofyour new acquaintance?
Companies in the US, where the QR code was dismissed in 2013, now seem to be changingtheir view. Snapchat picked up the idea in 2015, allowing users to follow one another as easilyas their WeChat peers by scanning each others’ QR codes, and proceeded to facilitate theiruse to access websites. Facebook this year is piloting ‘rewards’ QR codes to secure discountsin certain shops, while Spotify has adopted the technology to allow users to share music.
WhatsApp’s launch last month of business accounts showed the US messaging app takinganother step down the path forged by Chinese peer WeChat.
WeChat, Tencent’s chat and social media app, has long courted the business world. It is howgovernment, celebrities and businesses from Burberry to Mondelez connect to customers in theChinese social media space spicing up their chat with cool fashion show snaps, special offersand sales promotions and post information or news. WeChat has more than 20m ‘officialaccounts’, according to industry estimates, though not all are verfied.
WhatsApp is now jumping on that bandwagon, following in the footsteps of WeChat. In aneffort to help businesses keep in touch with their customers and to make money the Facebook-owned app has begun offering ‘verifed profile’ accounts, so customers know they are contactingthe right shop or service.
The world drew a collective gasp when Amazon splashed out $13.7bn in June to buy WholeFoods, bringing its cut-throat online competition to the bricks-and-mortar world of artisanalbreads and organic kale. But Chinese rivals were ahead of the game. E-commerce giantAlibaba snapped up stakes in domestic supermarket group Lianhua in May and before that, indepartment store Intime., which operates a similar asset-heavy model to Amazon, hasoutlined plans for a massive bricks and mortar presence.
Alibaba calls the model “new retail”, fusing the physical and online worlds to better pleasecustomers try on a frock, buy cat food from the store for later delivery and a rice box totakeaway there and then and ultimately amass more data for itself.
There are plenty of innovations still to tap or expand. Mobile payments in the US are a fractionof those in China, where the market was worth $8.8tn last year, according to iResearch. Giftingdigital money for instance, at Chinese new year is taking hold elsewhere, already adapted inIndia via Tencent-backed Hike, a New Delhi-based messaging unicorn.
But arguably the most covetable trend in China is the most basic: education. China last yearproduced roughly nine times as many graduates in science, technology, engineering andmathematics as the US. Even allowing for China’s bigger population, it still punches heavilyabove its weight, suggesting lot of room for many more innovations to be birthed in China.